Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Assalamualaikum! Sorry for the delay, but Wahida just transferred all the photos in her phone last night.. Yeah...It's a long list of photos actually..So, I grouped them according to the events. Go click at them one by one!! hahaz... Photos copyrighted to the owner okay??

KAED Urban Planing Student Assembly

Before Show: Humanitarian Week

Cultural Unit's Family Day

Ta'aruf Final Practice

Angklung Maintenance Workshop

New Members Angklung Introduction

Persidangan Seni, Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan

So, Wanna have a say to those photos?? Go visit Angklung Club in Friendster and comment there!



Bengawan Solo (again!!!)

You know, you always have to be patient with technology. Gosh, it's tiring...
Anyway, I was uploading another version Bengawan Solo that seemed like forever!! This one is from a CD, from Wani (thanks a lot!!!) the name; ANGKLUNG AND ORCHESTRA played by Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra and Hans and his Angklung Ensemble. So from the name I think the songs, which are Indonesian songs are played by Chinese!

So, Click Here!!!
Hope you guys'll enjoy the song and LEARN!!! Listen to the tempo and beat. From listening carefully I hope we can play better next time. No matter how different this version of Bengawan Solo or our version of the song, but at least we know where are the parts that we play. This and other songs that have been uploaded for you guys aren't just for FUN.

p/s: actually I can give you all the songs, but I think it's better for you all to find the CD at Jusco. That's where Wani found it. DO NOT SUPPORT PIRACY.
Besides, I can only upload up to 10 mb. I can upload more, but you know, money comes first ^_^



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