Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at <span class=Photobucket" src="http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff59/dorkistic_design/news.gif" align="left" border="0">DATE: 06/01/2009
BY: mi$$RED


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
I'm Nabila, the new head of PROMARCH Bureau representing the new main-board of IAG for 2008/2009 session.

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for the lateness of updating this blog. Since I'm still new in this position, there are a lot of things I need to learn in order to keep this blog updated and interactive. I will try my best in updating members with as much information as possible and I hope that all of you could support me by giving opinions, suggestions or any comments to make this blog a better one in the future, InsyaAllah.


Anonymous said...

Congrats and welcome aboard Nabila! We hope you can maintain the site better and promote IAG more.. today's busking was crazy! hahaha

NANOMEOW said...

same wif today. haiyo....y i always rosakkan lagu aa..... =.=

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Tim. Just wanted to say hi to the forum, I been creeping around here for a while now, but tend to participate more. Looking forward to make some new friends. Ciao!



Anonymous said...

Оказание ритуальных услуг, заказ и производство памятников, организация похорон - это вещи о которых люди, как правило, стараются не задумываться и до поры-до времени держаться по-дальше.
Да, мир людей – особый мир, и смерть разных людей одинакова внутренне, а внешне разнятся и похороны и принятые в среде умершего ритуалы, и оказываемые нами ритуальные услуги . Мы не оспариваем право каждого на степень пышности похорон.

]организация похорон[/url]

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